your question

12/09/2019 Brian

Hello Trevor! Destruction is easily one of my favorite bands. All of their 80s output, even the Cracked Brain album. I could discuss them all day.
Ive met you on several occasions starting in 99. Thank you for always being very kind.
I apologize for asking about Bungle because i know you get tired of it. My question is a little tedious, but could you list the Individual composers for any of the songs the way its listed on Disco Volante like specific Music writer and Lyric writer for each track?
1. Dead Goon- i know youve explained some of this one before, how the original impulse was Dannys very impressive bassline; but who else helped write the other song melodies, horn lines and lyrics?
2. Goddammit I Love America is my favorite Bungle demo. Could you answer the same question for my favorite tracks Waltz for Grandmas sake, Goosebumps, Bloody mary, Definition of shapes. I might've heard that Trey wrote the music for Carousel? I could be wrong.
3. Same question for any of Self-Titled album songs. I believe you mostly wrote Slowly growing deaf and Egg yourself. I know Trey wrote Stub with Mike contributing some lyrics. He said Mike wrote the music and lyrics of My ass is on fire...Mr Nice guy? Love is a fist?
4. I love all the impressive Bungle horn lines, dating all the way back to Carousel in 1986. I know there were several horn players Luke, Theo and finally Bar; and that you and Trey are horn players yourselves. Who did the bulk of charting the horn lines back then? I assume Bar began to help a lot with that when he joined in 88/89, or maybe not.
I also Love your recordings with Graham Connah, Jenny Scheinmann etc...
Sorry if ive asked too much. Looking forward to the upcoming live shows. Take care Brother!

my answer

The song information you request for DV is listed in the liner notes of the vinyl, CD and cassette releases on WB, so no need for me to retype them here. If you only have a digital copy then you are a victim of the digital age.
1. Much of that song was created in a lengthy improvisation that we recorded on a cassette back when we used to rehearse in a converted chicken coop. Patton took some of those ideas, Danny’s bassline and possibly some other collective ideas, and constructed the song, writing the melodies, I believe. Honestly, since that was 30 years ago my memory is a bit blurry.
2. I wrote the music and lyrics for Waltz and Definition. Patton wrote Goosebumps and Bloody Mary and Trey wrote Carousel.
3. I wrote SGD, LIAF (except for the long horn melody, which Trey wrote) and most of Egg (some of which also came out of a spontaneous jam). Patton wrote most of MAIOF, although I think Danny and Trey also contributed. Patton definitely wrote the lyrics for that. Trey wrote all of Mr. Nice Guy —or maybe that’s the one Danny contributed a riff to—hell, I don’t remember.
4. Trey, Patton and myself all wrote horn lines for our individual songs. Since Patton doesn’t read music I was usually the one to transcribe them and make charts for the Horns of the Cuckold.

Trevor Dunn