your question

12/06/2019 Waste Of Time And Space

Sorry about the rambling from the last message (I was The Comments Section Pacifist). I recently got into the music of Stravinsky, Varese, Pierre Boulez, and Charles Mingus. If only "The Complete Town Hall Concert" was for sale on vinyl.
1. Who is your pick for the most-overrated composer in twentieth-century classical music (I pick Anton Webern)?
2. Would you recommend that people separate an artist from their music, especially if the artist is controversial? Think of James Brown's history with domestic abuse and aggression.
3. How was creative control distributed among the members of Fantomas? Were there any album concepts or bold riffs you wrote in particular, or were you merely a bystander?

my answer

1. Wow, I can’t disagree with you more about Webern, one of my favorites; a pioneer of sparsity, economy and space. I’m not so much of a fan of John Adams or Phillip Glass. I can listen and appreciate almost any composer from the first 2/3rds of the 20th century.
2. Yes. See my previous answer on said topic.
3. I was not what you would call a bystander but Fantomas was Patton’s baby. He wrote everything. Of course, the players refined things as we rehearsed but he had a specific design in mind which is why he claims 100% of the publishing/writing credits.

Trevor Dunn