hiwhat’s up with your “singing” on the First Grand Constitution & Bylaws album? did it come entirely from you or was there any input/direction from trey? improv or worked out? i’ve always had a hard time making sense of the fact that such an ideologically/philosophically coherent work contains an abundance of what seems to be truly spontaneous improv. but then maybe those things shouldn’t be at odds with each other, what do you think?
Not sure why you have to disparage me by putting quotes around “singing”. I jest. That’s all spontaneous free association which Trey knew I could deliver. I certainly think it pairs well with coherency. Ever have a nice expensive wine and a bunch of weird cheeses you couldn’t pronounce, and you didn’t know what order to eat them in, whether you should have both wine and cheese in your mouth at the same time or not? I go for those really strong French cheeses that almost smell like feet and yet you’re attracted to the sensation, kind of like a dog when it finds a dead animal in the pasture and wants to roll around on it. I’m assuming that’s a good analogy.