08/24/2020 Joe

Hey Trevor, hope this finds you well and safe. How do you balance listening to music, practicing, and creating? Thanks.


The eternal question. Hard to say, really. Eliminate the things in your life that are distracting. Make a schedule. Self-discipline is a constant challenge. Sometimes, one thing bleeds into the other, such as practicing into composing. But it’s important to keep in mind that all three things you mention are part of the same thread. When you are listening you are also practicing, for example. Sometimes, if you want to focus on a particular thing, you have to book yourself, as if an external boss. You have to step outside of your habits and tendencies to push yourself. Back in the day, I used to practice all day long, then, if I didn’t have a gig, I’d reward myself by going to the movies. That said, practicing itself is rewarding. But there are only so many hours in the day, so….hell, I don’t know, take shorter naps.

Trevor Dunn