Dear Mr. Dunn,
I appreciate a lot your work, especially those with Mr. Patton.
I am a bad amateur bass player but in my free time (which is extremely limited because of work and kids+wife at home) I try to study your riffs.
With just the help of my limited playing and listening ability I am not able to replicate them correctly and in a satisfactory way.
My question is: do you plan to publish your music sheets?
If not, may I ask you to share with me at least the the music sheet of Goodbye Sober Day? I really love this song!
Thanks a lot
I don’t plan on publishing any of my bass parts, though maybe that’s not a bad idea. A lot of the music, for Bungle especially, was never written down. I don’t have any sheet music for Goodbye Sober Day. Transcribing bass parts is a great way to learn though, so I’ll give you that job. You should also transcribe James Jamerson, Bobby Vega and Paul Jackson.