11/09/2019 13:15:27 Jimmy
Hi there,
I read in an interview from years ago about your "graveyard of riffs" and the subsequent "Secret Song." I thought this was a wonderful way for a group to create. It seems to me it was a sort of Bungle Bagatelles, if you will, wherein anyone could grab a riff and run with it. Do you find that other groups function in this way, or was it strictly a Bungle bit of equality that worked at that particular time? Some groups work that way; some do not.
Thanks for all your great music.
I have a feeling it’s not that rare for collectives to work that way—useful bits stored away until they find a home. Hard to say though as Bungle is the most collaborative band I’ve ever played in. I certainly have my own personal graveyard of “riffs” whether it be scraps of melodies lying around or a single chord written on in the margin of a notebook.
And thanks for listening!