03/25/2021 Tom, Warsaw
Hi Trevor. Such a great pleasure to listen or lately even read you! Listening to the "new" Bungle I thought... "Hey who else would have come up with such a crazy idea" but then realised looots of bands come back to their roots as they get old and nostalgic to the old times. Is it the real middle age crisis? Even Mike's outrageous look would have suggest that (pardon me). Do you feel there is still something new available for you, an unknown path? I really enjoyed your writing would that possibly be some new direction?
I’m always striving to learn and grow. What my capabilities are only time will tell. I feel like a lot of younger musicians have already surpassed me, but then there’s just more for me to take influence from. There is ALWAYS an unknown path. Finding it is another thing.
I think in Bungle’s case, there certainly was a level of nostalgia, but it was more about giving respect to something that never had it. More of that than getting back to roots.
I’m somewhat set in my ways to a degree, but I hope that I will continue to exhaust what possibilities I am capable of and therefore be forced to explore new directions.