your question:
09/14/2022 Kenny Kong
Hey Trevor!
1. I -BELIEVE- you've mentioned having some love for some hip-hop artists/groups before, have you ever tried making any beats? I feel like you could probably come up with something really adventurous and off-kilter.
2. Have you ever read a wrong interpretation of your lyrics? If so, what are some that you've read?
3. Throughout your entire discography, do you have even one love song, lyrically? You've touched on some pretty deep stuff before but I don't recall if you have any music lyrically dealing with love
my answer:
1. I have not although it’s been on my mind to venture in.
2. I’m sure I have but I don’t dwell on that; Many times they are intended to be interpreted differently.
3. Love Is A Fist is sort of an anti-love song inspired by the hackneyed, cookie-cutter love songs of the ‘80s. Later I wrote a couple songs on my MadLove record that might fall under that category. Absence & Noise is a break up song and In Love (In Theory) is about being in love with the wrong person, to a degree. I’m more interesting in sociology than some proclamation of romance.