your question

03/07/2020 JohnWayneLaw

Hey Trevor-It was (amazing🤘) seeing you and the gents, putting together; what I have always
held dear to my internal musical pulses (organs, if you will) at the Warfield on Feb. 8th 2020
- THE SHIT! ( That being the Raging Wrath) Up in Humboldt, mid 80’s was groundbreaking on so many different
Levels. Eclectic stylings in the presentation. The Artwork was above and beyond. AND it was just so much fun,
Watching and experiencing all that came with it.... Trevor is one of those rare commodities that can put together
A bulldozer with a serpents kiss and make you want more, more - mort
In the end (this conversation) how did you decide to put this together?
OH! Your thoughts on the passing of Neil Peart?

my answer

Wait. Is this THEE John Wayne Law?? It must be if you are quoting Mort. Dude. I was hoping to see you after the show. It’s been way too long and you’re one of the 3 people I would still want to hang with from back in the Logger days.

We’ve joked and talked about that demo all along. After meeting and playing with Lombardo the idea occurred to me. All due respect to Jed, who killed it that night, and was so much fun to hang with, but I think we were writing above our means. Unfortunately for Jed, in that genre, that demand that puts an insurmountable amount of weight on the drummer. Essentially that music was written with Dave in mind and since we all ended up playing with him it made sense to present it as it was meant. Lets face it, aside from Trey on that demo, we were all sucking all over the place. So, with the means at our hands, I felt we could pull off giving that music the proper packaging that it somehow still holds up to.

I was, of course, saddened by the new of Neil Peart passing. Had no idea. Did you ever read Ghost Rider? Very poignant in it’s own right and his passing just closes the book on all of that.

I hope you and I can hang one of these days.

Trevor Dunn