your question

12/03/2019Michael welch

Why does it always seem like there was tension between Mr Bungle and Faith No More? Media created or was there any issues? I know after Mr B signed to Warner Bros that pissed off certain people in FNM at the time and I remember Trey throwing shade at them in the press when Patton left in the middle of recording the 1st album to go tour South America with them. Also at the time were you worried about how it would affect Bungle after Trey joined FNM and subsequently left right before a world tour?

my answer

I don’t believe anyone in Bungle has any personal grudge against anyone in FNM. Obviously we’ve all met, and we get along when we do see each other, though hover in different realms. The odd circumstance of sharing a front-man doesn’t come without schedule conflicts, monetary priorities and a certain amount of hierarchy. Back in the day we did have to raise a bit of a stink to be taken seriously and not just a “side project” (which we never were, of course). I don’t recall the ins and outs of the situations you mention but I’m sure there was a combination of some actual tension that was probably magnified in the press.

My only concern about Trey joining FNM at the time was that things were starting to merge a bit more than I had expected. Probably not unlike Mike’s concerns about some of the early line ups of SC3. Thankfully, all of that is water under the bridge and not really worth entertaining anymore.

Trevor Dunn