05/16/2020 Jeff S

There seems to be this perception that you and some of the other guys in Mr. B are embarrassed by your late 80s slappeh da bass era....I get that Bowel of Chiley was amateurish and raw but GDILA and OU818 had some great songs on there
Also, am I the only one who recognized that Patton took the "raise a glass and toast to the thing that hurts you the most" lyric from "Bloody Mary" and reused it in the Faith No More song "Last Cup of Sorrow" a decade later????


I feel that there were moments of good song writing/ideas with those demos, but to me the musical packaging doesn’t hold up as well as other things. They reek with amateurism and failed experimentation. I wouldn’t say I’m embarrassed, but I do like the idea of moving on and forgetting. And, no, you are not the only one who recognized that bit of self-cannibalism.

Trevor Dunn