09/02/2019 13:52:33 Ron Weasley
Your youthful appearance is often commented upon, and I am genuinely curious about how you manage to maintain this and stay fit, especially given how busy you are and how often you are on tour. From your Instagram account it looks like you mostly eat pizza (which I am sure isn't actually the case), and I'd imagine that it would be difficult to fit in a great deal of exercise into your schedule, yet in recent years you look noticeably healthier than when you were younger. How is this possible? Do you like to cook and if so what? In a recent post you mentioned fasting - is this something that you practice for its health and lifespan extending benefits, or do you have a rapidly ageing portrait hidden in your attic?
I try to eat something green every day and when I get off a plane I take the stairs not the escalator.