11/24/2019 23:41:44

Steven S Gonna list a bunch of bands. Curious as to what you think of them

1. Melvins 2. Godflesh 3. Ministry 4. Faith No More 5. The Cure 6. Radiohead 7. Joy Division 8. Ice Cube 9.Nirvana 10. Guns N Roses 11. Beck 12. Napalm Death


1. Duh 2. Street Cleaner was huge for me 3. Never got into them 4. Loved Introduce Yourself 5. Not really my thing but I do like their first record 6. Nearly flawless for what they do, definitely a fan 7. Over-rated 8. Early stuff 9. Never owned a record but apparently know every song 10. Nah 11. Meh 12. First record mostly

Trevor Dunn