your question


🐝Hey Trevor,
Thanks in advance for taking the time in answering the plethora of questions. Its all greatly appreciated.
1. What’s the plural form of “bass?” Is it something weird like ‘cacti’ or does it never change like ‘sheep’ or ‘deer.’ What would you say if one were to walk into a room filled with them? “Wow, that’s a lot of ____!”
2. Speaking of, the black bandages — located on your bass’ shark-fin-part, what happened? It looks like it got into a fight. Finally,
3. In descending order what is your favorite apocalyptic song?
(A) Till the world ends — Britney Spears, femme fatale
(B) 1999 – Prince, 1999
(C) General Boy Visits Apocalypse Now - DEVO, Duty Now for the Future
(D) Sunset - Roy Orbison, In Dreams

my answer

1. I guess it depends on which language you’re speaking. In my Italian score it says basso. I just say basses i.e. I own several basses. If you’re referring to low end frequency in a general way, however, one would say ‘that’s a lot of bass”, but in that case the word “bass” is really an adjective, not unlike a color, capable of being broken down into much more specific scientific elements. One must also distinguish between Electric Bass Guitar and Contrabass, which are both often reduced to the generalized “bass”. I don’t have a problem with any of this. Sometimes talking about sound seems useless.
2. That would be gaffer tape keeping my strap from slipping off the strap hooks. Gaffer tape rules. Long live Ross Lowell.
3. Probably in the exact order you listed, Sunset being my top choice.

Trevor Dunn