06/25/2021 Sophia

Hello Trevor,
Seems like things are picking up now, how excited are you to get back performing on larger stages for more people? Did you ever get used to ‘lockdown’? Was it a needed break to reassess? Thanks for taking time to answer & good luck with everything! L8Rs S8R


Even over a year after this question was initially posted, I wouldn’t say things have totally picked up. It’s not the same, and life isn’t the same for me. There is actually something I miss about lock down — the quiet, the empathy, the realization that I don’t need to get on a plane so often (I certainly don’t miss that). I wouldn’t say I ever got used to it. Who could? Everything was always up in the air. Is it ending now? When? How do I stay protected? What news or opinions do I take seriously. Reassessing is always a good idea. I try to do that daily.

Trevor Dunn