05/18/2020 Harry palmer

Trevor, I would like first to thank you from the bottom of my God knows why still beating heart for the day back in? '93? When a drummer that moved from orange county to the stubbly little city of Reno turned me on to your release on Warner bros, Mr. Bungle. I read stunned amazed in stitches laughing and by the end crying that against all odds you recording found its way into the black hole of culture were I resided. , pleased even more to see the Dunn name on the bass credits. I've hallways asunder that Donald was your father. , and of the five 8 teams. That were in the family vehical (Floyd,: dark side of the moon, eagles : greatest hits, fleeteood: rounded, kiss: destroyer,and the blues bros. . , all shaped. And I feel so fucking lucky to have born at the right time and place to play each one of thoose 8 tracks to the point I still expect certain songs to be cut in half. .. growing up I doubted I would find anything to bring back that first listen to and been touched so deeply by sonic bliss and to have that gap broken so ... words fail me. But the emotion banquet I gourged on listening to by the track Caroslej just kept getting better and better. THANK YOU, SIR. ! And for performing on new years Eve w Promise, and with Incubus in Auburn, iwhen I turned my wife on to California. . Enough w the sappy shit. My question is, this: I've grown up and lived threw some messed up shit, but I'd havevto say that with Microsoft tech. Patented # wipo20200606061a, chip for cryptograms currency to the sheep so docile being led by their noses to where fear governs decisions , not The Billl of rRghts, what's your and the other MB. members thoughts feelings? I'm at a loss . . I guess if self absorbing ignorance and fear dominated the country that School House. Rock made me feel lucky enough to live in that dying or killing for it seemed worthy. Noble. . , that well maybe its time that we wind up in company of the dinosaures or Rome. '
If this ship goes down and all of us with it, the one thing that I would ask is that I could hear would be yours %and your band mates ripping and lampooning all the assholes who helpped make it possable. Peace.


I can’t speak for anyone else, but I couldn’t agree with you more.

Trevor Dunn