10/07/2020 Brian

Hey Trevor,
I'm looking forward to the new Bungle activity this month, and I got a good laugh out of the promo ad for the upcoming Halloween performance.
I know I've asked about this topic before, and I apologize because I know it's not your favorite subject. I thank you for shedding some light on it before.
Regarding Songwriting on all the songs from Goddammit I Love America and all the songs from the Mr Bungle 1991 LP, you told me who did the basic songwriting skeletons.
But can you show some love for Bar, Danny Heifetz, Theo and Luke Miller? Which songs, of any from the two releases I mentioned, would any of those guys have had any hand in the creative process of? Which of any of those songs, might someone generously give them even a partial writing credit for? Horn arrangements etc
I know that you said you and Trey wrote a lot of the horn parts, but who was the other most frequent horn writer besides you two in those years? Bar or Theo?
I know you might find this a little tedious, but I'm obviously very, very interested in the nuts and bolts of composition. Of course I'm also interested in other band minutiae of personalities and what not but for me, nothing is more important than the literal MUSIC itself, and how it was created.
Thanks you so much. Take care.


Bär and Danny didn’t join Bungle until 1989, the year we recorded OU818. I believe there is a riff in Mr. Nice Guy that Danny wrote, but neither of those guys were really writing that much for the band until later and, in fact, I’m not sure Danny wrote anything else after that. Luke and Theo didn’t write anything for the band, although Theo made some attempts during the DV sessions. Patton, Trey and myself did all of the horn arrangements. In Patton’s case, he would sing us the parts, Trey and I would write them out and the Horns Of The Cuckold would play them. Of course, with Bär and Danny, there was always a collaborative element — they would mold their parts, as musicians do, giving the music their signature.

Trevor Dunn