03/22/2020 Sophia

Hi Trevor,
Just wondering if you’re ever going to answer any questions anymore. How did you feel about those Mr. Bungle shows? What have you been doing since then? And since we’re in the middle of a coronavirus, how are you holding up? Take care as always.


I looks as if I am.

Super stoked on those shows. Really fun music to play from the first note of rehearsal. Dave and Scott brought the roots, and of course, that’s why we hired ‘em. Also really great to see such a response. Despite all the complaining on line it seems that our audience knows to expect nothing.

I’m holding up alright. Trying to keep busy practicing bass, reading, cooking, exercising and soon to dig into writing. I do very well with isolation as I mentioned on my recent ‘rumors’ page. Trying to keep my mind as well as my body from withering away. Communicating with friends as well.

Trevor Dunn