your question

01/01/2020 D. DinesTrevor,

What personal projects are you most excited about these days? Are there collaborations you haven’t been able to make work yet that you’re itching to make a reality?

In another area altogether, in going back to decades old material for the Bungle shows, are there parts of the songs you find surprising as you re-learn them? Had you personally gone over that material on your own in the intervening years, or are you having to come at it all with fresh ears?

my answer

I’m itching to finish my singer/songwriter record as well as the new trio-convulsant expanded version. Not really focused on any collaborations. I need to focus on myself.

I did find a few parts or perhaps, song-writing choices a bit surprising. I didn’t dig in to the music until a couple months before the first show. I had forgotten how focused on composition we were. Lots of theme and variation, lots of cells to work with. Very intervalic and chromatic. I had forgotten that we were already in that mindset back then.

Trevor Dunn