
Hi, two questions, one about beer, the other about baseball, very American topics. 1) Do you get sick of IPAs? They’ve really saturated the market in the last decade and it’s gotten crazy. What do you usually go to when you want something other than an IPA? 2) Do you ever go see the Yankees or Mets play? I just got into going to see baseball games (Dodger Stadium) as someone who my whole life has found baseball boring. But I find the in-person game experience is amazing because of the atmosphere. Recommend it even if you think baseball is dumb!


1) I don’t really get sick of IPAs since that is usually my go-to when it comes to beer and I always like trying local microbrews during my travels. If I want something other than an IPA (like if I’m too high) I’ll have a Tecate. But to be honest I don’t drink a lot of beer. When I’m drinking it’s usually burbon or vodka depending on my mood.
2) I don’t follow sports at all but occasionally I do go see the Mets or the Yankees. Couldn’t care less who wins. Baseball is far from dumb. Football. Now that’s dumb. But the deeper you get into the game of baseball the more you see how psychological it is. I do love a good sports documentary. “Nono” is highly recommended. There’s also a great one about Nolan Ryan. I also find the live experience much more invigorating to all my senses.

Trevor Dunn