09/22/2020 Nicole S.
WTF Questions for Quarantine:
1. If you had a boat, what would you name it
2. Your most useless talent?
3. Dumbest way you have been injured?
4. What was something TV or films led you to believe would be a much bigger problem than it ever has been?
5. Fictional character you would like to sit down with and have a few beers with. Why?
6. If you could have 1 super power, what would it be?
Cheets Love,
Nicole S.
1. The Manatee for Sannety
2. I can type without looking at the keyboard
3. Flaming marshmallow at a BBQ flew in the air and landed on my wrist
4. Quicksand
5. Deanie Loomis from Spendor In the Grass, so I can tell her that she’s not crazy.
6. Self realization