your question

03/05/2020 Byron Dunbar

I really enjoyed the reunion shows where you played The Raging Wrath of the Easter Bunny demo. However, I missed Evil Satan, Grizzly Adams and the ska bits on Hypocrites. What was the thinking behind removing these songs/sections, and if the demo is re-recorded as a professional album (as you've hinted it may be) do we have a chance of hearing updated versions of these non-metal tracks/sections there instead?

my answer

The main impetus behind replaying/recording The Raging Wrath was to play metal and to give that music it’s due. Grizzly Adams wasn’t possible for us to pull off live, with limited rehearsal time and production, not to mention it works better as an overly long intro to a metal record. Evil Satan and Hypocrites were sort of reactionary jokes that were hinting towards our amateurish/experimental Bowel of Chiley period. There is an overt goofiness there that doesn’t belong with the rest of the vibe that we were interested in presenting. It was a deliberate choice to exclude those songs from this particular presentation. The “ska” portions of Hypocrites you refer to should not be granted such a revered quality. We were by no means ever a ska band, though we appreciated the masters. Those sections of that song are also extremely unoriginal. I would call them kitsch and for that they would clog the gears of the machine that we consciously and intentionally presented.

Trevor Dunn