11/08/2020 Shell aka bunglecryptid on Instagram

I've been listening to MadLove non-stop, it's honestly fucking exquisite. I can't stop listening to "Left With Nothing". Your vocals are awesome, I love your voice. Do you think you'll sing more in future projects? And were there things that got in the way of you singing solo before this? (Fear, self doubt etc).
Also, what do you think draws you towards certain pop artists? I'm a fan of some pop music as well and am curious as to what appeals to you about it the most. Btw, I totally agree Britney should have gone buzzcut punk rock band. I'm not sure if you've ever heard it but someone merged Toxic with Change by Deftones and it's what I imagine it could sound like.
Lastly, will you still do anything for $5? If so, would you like to go on a Zoom date with me?
Anyway, love your work, take care and greetings from the land of the platypus.


I’m currently focused on the ‘singer/songwriter’ album I’ve been talking about for 15 years. Singing on every song except for an “instrumental”. Yeah, I’d say it was a matter of building my confidence as a lead singer. Also, finding it more enjoyable as I’ve gotten older. I’m drawn to pop artists for the same reason I’m drawn to any non-commercial artist which is that I find the music interesting, appealing, etc. I like the idea of pop music that has this very accessible outer layering (thus it’s popularity) while having hidden gems of weirdness (either harmonically or production-wise) underneath. I also find the production of super fancy pop to be intriguing and a mysterious world of it’s own. Did I say I’d do anything for $5? If so, I was clearly being facetious. I won’t even leave my house for less than $300. So, yeah, buy yourself a zoom date.

Trevor Dunn