09/06/2019 9:35:30 Lulu

Dear Trevor
Why did you decided to answer questions again?
What are some of your own questions that you find yourself pondering over?


Seems like a good way to keep people coming back to the site and not forgetting it exists. It’s also enjoyable for me to connect to my audience. It’s human nature to wonder what people think I suppose. Also, I was getting a lot of feedback as to the popularity of it on my previous site.

I ponder over how I shall spend my time and make the most of a limited lifespan. I ponder over how to work out of passion while surviving in the real world. I ponder over what is the best city to live in and how to balance nature with urban culture, both of which I thrive on. I ponder on why people treat each other badly when we essentially want the same things. I wonder if I should drink or not. I wonder if I’m too jaded and/or too lazy…..

Trevor Dunn