Friday November 12 2021: I'm The Queen of My Domain

Damn it. Why did it take me a year to update this thing. Oh, right, end tymes and such. Well, I survived. Several close to me did not and I continue on in ritual, with respect and reverence. I burn candles, takes vows of silence, excruciating hikes, brutal psychological roads that are now well paved. I’ve been doing the bushwhacking but shit keeps growing back.

For those who care, I’m getting to the Q&A piece by piece. I think I have 160 questions still to answer. Sorry for the delay (that’s also how I start most of my emails).

Ok, news of sorts. I’ll be updating releases soon. Somewhere back there in 2020 a few things came out: Starebaby’s 2nd record, Brian Marsella Trio playing Zorn, Trio with Dan Weiss & Miles Okazaki, weirdo duo stuff with Kevin Rutmanis (sold out), duo record with Buzz Osborne (and another in the works), oh yeah that band Mr Bungle did some stuff — I guess I should put that record up. I think I’m forgetting some things.

During the blood mist of the pandemic I decided (clearly in my right mind) to start a record label since I couldn’t find anyone to put out my duo record SpermChurch. There’s a bandcamp page, there are a bunch of videos on Vimeo. Do I really have to put the links here? Why do I have to do all the work? Ok fine, here they are:

Slowly gigs are coming back, but I’m honestly in no hurry. I’m just at that age where a slower pace is appealing AF. I kinda like sitting here making collages and mix tapes and writing music. Speaking of which, I’m going into the studio in January with a new book of music I wrote for trio-convulsant with a chamber quartet. Officially, ”trio-convusant avec folie a quatre” featuring some stellar musicians.

Other news: just finished recording with Ahleuchatistas. Those dudes are sick. Also, planning on putting out an EP of King Dunno. Look for something on Amphetamine Reptile. What is that? Guess! I’m also currently writing music for a documentary about a dude who was sentenced to 55 years in prison for selling $350 worth of weed in Denver. It’s your standard politics vs. human life story.

That’s probably enough for now. Get back to your interval training.

video of the month:

Trevor Dunn