your question:

05/29/2023 Cedric the Jerry Seinfeld

Did you hear Avenged Sevenfold interpolating Mr. Bungle's music in their new song "We Love You"? Here it's the heavy part in Slowly Growing Deaf and here it's the softer intro part ; plus there's this acoustic coda that I can't help but feel also harks back to Retrovertigo What do you think of this type of "tribute"?

my answer:

This is the first I’ve heard it. I suppose I can sorta hear what you’re talking about; maybe less so in the first example. I think interpolation might not be the accurate word though. It’s no mystery that they have been influenced by Bungle but it seems that they are doing their own thing with it here, which isn’t necessarily my thing. I’m happy to be someone’s influence as long as they make it their own, which is what I try to do with the things that have come before me.

Trevor Dunn